Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Fooling the nervous system to make a temporary change

A fascinating video on how easy it is to trick the nervous system into making temporary changes - and how easy it is to trick ourselves into thinking these changes will last.

However, r
epeated exposure to stimuli, in the form of:

  • treatments - including massage, physical therapy, or functional therapy given by a therapist or trainer,
  • self-care, including self-massage and carrying out your exercise assignments from your therapist or trainer,
these can retrain and reset the nervous system to improve your functional movement and  reduce pain

This is a short clip showing a 75-year old tennis player who did not have surgery - the injury included a full-thickness tear of his shoulder joint and shoulder muscles  and joint fusion (glenoid humeral capsule, humeral head displacement supraspinatus + long head of biceps tendon, humeral space).

Two weeks after injury, he entered therapy--and 6 weeks later, was playing at 80% capacity.

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